Friday, July 11, 2008

Minor league skippers having major meltdowns

It seems that the requirements to be a minor league manager have evolved to include possessing the capacity to make an absolute fool of one's self and end up on 'SportsCenter.' The latest in what has become a trend of memorable managerial blowups took place Wednesday in the American Association. Here's Wichita Wingnuts skipper Kash Beauchamp reacting to a call he didn't like:

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Here's Asheville Tourists manager Joe Mikulik expressing his displeasure with a call last summer:

And then on to the author's personal favorite -- Phil Wellman of the Mississippi Braves just losing his mind two years ago:

These clips are wildly entertaining, but when you step back and realize that these are the actions of grown men charged with being the leader of a group of young men it just seems kind of silly. Try and translate this behavior to any other situation in life. Don't like they way your hamburger was prepared? Just go berserk in the middle of the restuarant! Someone cut you off on your morning commute? Smash their car with a hammer.

C'mon. Argue a call and get your money's worth. But don't stoop down to the behavior of a toddler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dunno... for my $4.50 addmission I would just as soon see an ol fashioned streaker chase. Now thats good family fun.