Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday's Signs of the Times

This feature will give you three must-clicks from the Sun-Times each morning. It will take, on average, four minutes to write.

If you missed Josh Hamilton's unbelievably memorable display at the Home Run Derby last night, Jay Mariotti explains why this is such a remarkable story.

The Jersey Boys: Give them carcinogens or give them death.

Oh, OK. This article is not what I thought it was going to be about at all.


Cdub said...

In case no one watched the ending ceremony and summary by the commentating crew, this link will explain just how stupid some of these guys really are.


They basically are bashing Morneau in the commentary for winning, when all the guy did was try to hit home runs (as it was a HOME RUN DERBY, and then all Justin did was talk about how great Hamilton did in his performance). Not only that, but the 3 people giving the award totally mispronounced his name, and the 3rd one called him "Jason" instead of his real name: Justin.

Rick Reilly = Douche Bag

Reggie Noble said...

@cdub: Well yeah, Morneau "won" by conventional standards, but I bet Hamilton wouldn't trade the 40 minutes of heaven there for anything.