Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday on your TV

It's been an exciting day at Sports Pros(e). We've welcomed a new wordsmith, tackled the enigma that is the Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays (Puffs) and learned that Derrick Rose can fly. With all the excitement around here, a night decompressing in front of the television is definitely in order.

While most people around here will be worshiping at the altar of Hawk Harrelson, we're going to give our big stamp of approval to season 20 of the "Real World" on MTV. Hey, that Joey guy is a compelling character.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Joey left the show and has since been replaced by another cast mate. Perhaps you really were worshipping at the altar of Hawk Harrelson last Wednesday or you would have known that.

Joey lives in Chicago though, so maybe you can get him to write a guest post!

Reggie Noble said...

The author is proud he didn't know that. But not too proud because he's sure a mini-marathon of RW XX on On Demand later tonight will most likely be taking place.