But, there is of course always the local residents volleying about the morning sports headlines over a coffee and a doughnut at the nearest greasy spoon cafe. It didn't take much seeking out and it certainly didn't take long for me to ascertain that the good people of the Pacific Northwest just didn't really care for Richie Sexson at all.
Fans of varying degrees of sports knowledge informed me that he (1) struck out an obscene amount, (2) made an equally obscene amount of money and (3) that the Sonics weren't going anywhere on their watch. Well, turns out they were right on two of three accounts.
Sexson was 6-feet-8 inches of unmet expectations. And instead of wearing out opposing pitchers, he's wearing a well-trod path between the batter's box and the dugout from all the strikeouts. That's why today's move by the New York Yankees reeks of desperation. It's almost like the most storied and revered franchise -- or so they market themselves -- has gone from having the Derek Jeteresque pick of the free agent litter to your overzealous friend from work who cruises 4 a.m. bars looking for anyone who will have him.
That, like a Richie Sexon 0-2 hack at a curveball in the dirt, is just all-around ugly.
What happened to Sexson? He was a stud in Milwaukee, then signed a big contract with Seattle and just bombed? How does this happen to players? Was he a fluke? Was he just coasing because he was already getting paid? This is a big reason why I think MLB's compensation structure needs to be changed.
The only thing that keeps this from being the second worst acquisition in the history of baseball (behind only the Tigers selling their soul for Juan Gonzalez - nice one Randy Smith!)is the fact that Seattle will pick up most of his remaining salary just to get rid of him.
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